PHPdoc Tutorial

Memio also provides a way to document the code with PHPdoc.

By default no PHPdoc is generated, this must be triggered by setting a PHPdoc object in the model.

UML class diagram

In this tutorial, we'll see how to:

  1. Generate a License header
  2. Generate a Structure's PHPdoc
  3. Generate a Property's PHPdoc
  4. Generate a Method's PHPdoc

1. Generating the License header

Files can have a license header, which usually displays the name of the project, the author's name and their emails:

use Memio\Model\File;
use Memio\Model\Object;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\LicensePhpdoc;

$file = (new File('src/Vendor/Project/MyClass'))
    ->setLicensePhpdoc(new LicensePhpdoc('MyProject', 'Me', ''))

    ->setStructure(new Object('Vendor\Project\MyClass'))

echo $prettyPrinter->generateCode($file);

This will output:


 * This file is part of the My Project project.
 * (c) Me <>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Vendor\Project;

class MyClass

2. Generating PHPdoc for a Structure

A Structure (an Object or a Contract) can have the following:

  • a description
  • a deprecation tag
  • an API tag

Here's how to describe it:

use Memio\Model\Contract;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\ApiTag;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\Description;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\DeprecationTag;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\StructurePhpdoc;

$contract = (new Contract('Vendor\Project\MyInterface'))
    ->setPhpdoc((new StructurePhpdoc())
        ->setDescription((new Description('This is the first line'))
            ->addLine('This is the third line')
        ->setDeprecationTag(new DeprecationTag()) // Has 2 optional arguments: version, and description
        ->setApiTag(new ApiTag('v2.0')) // The argument is optional

echo $prettyPrinter->generateCode($contract);

This will produce:

 * This is the first line
 * This is the third line
 * @deprecated
 * @api v2.0
interface MyInterface

3. Generating PHPdoc for a Property

A Property can have a property tag:

use Memio\Model\Property;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\PropertyPhpdoc;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\VariableTag;

$property = (new Property('myClass'))
    ->setPhpdoc((new PropertyPhpdoc())
        ->setVariableTag(new VariableTag('Vendor\Project\MyClass'))

echo $prettyPrinter->generateCode($property);

This will generate:

     * @var MyClass
    private $myClass;

3. Generating PHPdoc for a Method

A Method can have the following:

  • a description
  • 0 to many parameter tags
  • a deprecation tag
  • an API tag

Here's how to describe it:

use Memio\Model\Argument;
use Memio\Model\Method;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\ApiTag;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\Description;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\DeprecationTag;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\MethodPhpdoc;
use Memio\Model\Phpdoc\ParameterTag;

$method = (new Method('__construct'))
    ->setPhpdoc((new MethodPhpdoc())
        ->setDescription((new Description('This is the first line'))
            ->addLine('This is the third line')
        ->addParameterTag(new ParameterTag('string', 'filename'))
        ->addParameterTag(new ParameterTag('bool', 'isEnabled', 'Optional description'))
        ->setDeprecationTag(new DeprecationTag())
        ->setApiTag(new ApiTag('v2.0'))

    ->addArgument(new Argument('string', 'filename'))
    ->addArgument(new Argument('bool', 'isEnabled'))

echo $prettyPrinter->generateCode($method);

This will produce:

     * This is the first line
     * This is the third line
     * @param string $filename
     * @param bool   $isEnabled Optional description
     * @deprecated
     * @api v2.0
    public function __construct(string $filename, bool $isEnabled)

Note: Parameter names are aligned.

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